Aaron Hibma 님 상담

by Aaron Hibma posted Feb 16, 2021


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Name : Aaron Hibma
Tel Number :519-502-9278
Email Address : ahibma@mallotcreek.com
Good afternoon.

As food and beverage industry consultants, operating over the past 21 years, we understand the major challenges that food and agriculture based business’ have endured throughout the last many months. We hope that your business has been able to operate efficiently during these challenging times.

As you are aware as a licensed operator under the SFCR, you require a Preventive Control Plan (PCP) and//or Preventive Controls and at some point you will be audited by the CFIA, if you haven’t already. 

Mallot Creek Group has extensive in-house expertise in food safety and regulatory compliance and can help you to ensure that the programs you have in place for SFCR & PCP are complete. This may simply be a review of your existing programs / program implementation for audit preparation, to confirm compliance and to make recommendations or we can support the development of a full preventive control plan to fulfill your regulatory requirements. We can also  provide on-going maintenance services as third party internal auditors / reassessors.

Your customers / clients may also at some point require you to obtain GFSI certification and we offer full program development, implementation and certification assistance in particular with BRC and SQF.

We also offer Process Improvement services. Our team will conduct an assessment of your facility to identify opportunities for cost (waste) reduction using lean manufacturing methods. Improvements may not require any capital investment if related to standard work programs, production monitoring, or rearrangement of current equipment layout.

Additionally, there are new and forthcoming changes to food labelling requirement that affect all food manufacturers, regardless of their licensing or regulatory status. With a review of your existing labels and packaging, we can identify if changes are required and how we may assist you with compliance if you would like support in this area.

We would like to set up a meeting with you to introduce ourselves and see how our experience and expertise can support your ability to address SFCR, GFSI certification,  and new labelling requirements as well the opportunity to save money through process improvement. Do you have time for a call or a meeting?

Thank you for your consideration.